
Help regarding Having Materials For Any Number of Natural Disaster Situations

Getting Your Kids Ready for an EmergencyPart of being prepared for emergencies is Syma s107 upgrade teaching your children what to do if one occurs. Though you may be worried about frightening your children, it is better that they are prepared—and if done with the right attitude, the process can actually be fun. Kids need to know where your emergency gear is kept, and they need to be able to access it. Teach your children about the different types of emergencies and where to go when they occur. Consider doing a first aid class with your kids. One last activity you can do with your kids is assemble your 72-hour kits. You never know—you may learn as much from involving your kids as they will learn from you!Adjusting Your 72 Hour Kits for Summer and WinterA change in the weather means different needs in an emergency, and your emergency kit should provide for those differing needs. Every spring and fall, you should check your 72 hour kits and make any necessary changes. Clothing is one of the most obvious things that need to be switched each season. You should have winter gear like gloves, scarves, and other protective clothing in your kit during the winter months. In the summer, lighter clothing will be vital to prevent overheating and dehydration. If you choose, you can make some minor changes in food depending on the season. For example, you may want heavier, more sustaining foods in the winter and extra water in the summer. Sunscreen and bug spray are also really good to have in summertime. Keep bins marked “winter” and “summer” by your emergency kits, and simply switch out the contents depending on the season for an easy update. An Explanation of 72 Hour KitsWhen an emergency hits, you will need a few basic things to survive. A 72 hour kit is a set of those necessary items. 72 hours is a critical number. It is how much time you should be able to take care of yourself before relief workers can get to you. 72-hour kits should contain enough food, clothing, energy and light supplies, hygiene materials, and medical supplies to support your family during those critical 72 hours following a disaster. You can find 72 hour kits online or in stores wherever survival gear is sold. Or, you can accumulate the materials (which are easy to find) and create your own kit. Depending on where you live or who belongs to your family, you may need to specialize some items in your kit. For example, if you live somewhere rural or hard to reach, it may take longer than three days for help to come—so you will need more supplies. A food storage supply for much longer—anywhere from a month to a year—is also an important method of emergency preparation. Do Not Forget the Fun Stuff In Your 72 Hour KitsThink about what life would actually be like in a disaster situation. There is probably not much you Syma s107 upgrade can do and few places you can go. You feel anxious and not in control. A little bit of entertainment would go a long way in relieving the helplessness or stress you might feel. For air swimmers yourself, include some books, logic puzzles, or cards in your kit. For the little ones in your family, add some crayons and paper and a few activities. If they have something to do, they—and you—will have less to worry about. However important these items are, survival gear takes first priority, so pick compact, light materials as fun stuff for your kit.

