
Termites Invaders That Can Cause Real Damage to Your Home

Houses are not just physical places that provide shelter; they are long-term investments that protect your family and all its memories. This is just one of the many reasons it is important to protect your home from a termite infestation. There are over 2000 different species, and many of them can do serious damage to your home.Of the thousands of species of termites that exist, only about 70 present any type of threat to your home, but those 70 can be found in various areas around the United States. Termites eat cellulose, which is found in plant cell walls. They are actually very helpful when it comes to the decomposition of dead plants, but they are an absolute nightmare for homeowners.Subterranean TermitesThe subterranean termite is very damaging and, remote controlled air swimmers unfortunately, the most common type in the US. They thrive on the moisture of soil, so they set up their massive colonies around the foundations of homes. Subterranean termites are small ( 1/8th to 3/8th of Air Swimmers an inch), so homeowner may not even see them, but if they do see them, they can be sure there are around 60,000 to 1.5 million more munching on their property. And, they are not just snacking – they are attacking, like an organized army. Each colony is made up of queens, kings, swarmers, workers, and soldiers. They operate like a business whose mission is to eat through your home.Formosan TermitesFormosan termites should not even be here. They are a foreign species from various parts of Asia and were brought to the US by accident. If that were not bad enough, their colonies are even larger (up to 2 million) than subterranean termites. On average, they’re bigger and more destructive, and they do no need to be in contact with soil as long as the wood is moist enough. This allows them to create secondary colonies in upper levels of the home.Because their eggs cannot hatch in weather below 68 degrees Fahrenheit, they have only been reported in warm, southern states and, most likely, will not be able to spread any farther north. So far, they have been sighted in 11 states - Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. Anyone who lives in or near these states should contact a termite exterminator as soon as they suspect an infection.Drywood TermitesAs the name implies, Drywood Termites live in wood that has a relatively low moisture level. Drywood termites are found in US regions that do not experience freezing winter temperatures. Compared to their Formosan and Subterranean cousins, they are much smaller and less threatening, but they can still do damage in the right numbers and over a long enough period of time. Drywood colonies consist of less than 3000 or so termites. They can sometimes be found in wooden objects, like rocking chairs and picture frames, so it’s easy for RC Air Swimmers people to unwittingly bring them angry bird into their homes.Though no one wants termites, if a homeowner finds that he has a termite infestation, Drywood termites would be the best case scenario. They rarely do large-scale damage and can be exterminated with less invasive and noxious treatment forms that would not work on their more aggressive family members.Termites may be small and look unassuming, but their damage is anything but. Prevention is the best termite treatment and homeowners should be sure to do all they can before an all-out infestation occurs. However, if it is too late for prevention, a qualified termite exterminator, such as the termite experts at Hopper Environmental Services, is the next best option.

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